SRH Campus Dresden


with the SRH Dresden School of Management

Collaborations makes us strong.

Collaborations makes us strong.

The Dresden School of Management is a reliable, competent partner for local, national, and international cooperation in teaching and research. Through our integration in the international university network of SRH Holding, with a total of 13,000 students, we act on the one hand as a well-founded partner in the tertiary education sector. On the other hand, the local location of the Dresden campus enables authentic identification with the region-specific requirements of local companies, institutions, authorities, and associations.
In 2018, the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) named Dresden a city of the future. As the capital of Saxony, it is one of the most popular university locations in Germany. Dresden therefore represents an adequate starting point for global knowledge transfer.

We would like to create a holistic, lively network with you, in which we jointly implement innovative and sustainable cooperation’s and projects. Our goals are to further promote Dresden as a university location, increase the quality of teaching and the make Dresden a more desirable city for highly qualified specialists in Saxony. By working together with you, as representatives of companies and institutions from business and industry, we can gain future-oriented synergies within which we can clearly demonstrate the relevance of a competent, cosmopolitan university education for young professionals in the hotel industry, tourism, the management of commercial enterprises and non-profit companies, as well as for sponsors of the social economy.

Discover your options
as a practice partner of a dual student

As a practice partner for our dual students, you accompany one or more students during the practical phases over the entire study period. This enables you to recruit highly qualified specialists.

Teaching with a practical approach

Our aspiration is a qualified university education with a practical approach within the study programmes. We want to prepare students and graduates of the Dresden School of Management for their future tasks and requirements of the future working world with teaching that is both scientifically sound and application-oriented, taking into account the upheaval caused by digitalisation and globalisation.
To achieve this, it is important to design lectures and seminars through a regular exchange with (inter)national companies and institutions in such a way that students have the opportunity to engage with contemporary, industry-relevant topics in a practical way. For example, from your company?
Furthermore, it is our goal to promote the intercultural competencies of our students. Therefore, the integration of practical phases for semesters and internships abroad is part of our study concept, which we make possible through cooperation with over 100 partner universities as well as an intensive connection to worldwide companies.

Hand in Hand.

As a company, institution, association, society, lecturer, or industry representative, would you like to discover how you can benefit from a cooperation with the Dresden School of Management?
As part of our regional and global network, there are many options for you to work with us:

  • Interest in teaching?
    An active self-responsible participation enables you to obtain a lecturer position/professorship at the Dresden School of Management.
  • Do you have a task in your company that you would like to look at and implement from an eagle's perspective?
    You can carry out such a task via a study project or as a Bachelor's/Master's thesis at the Dresden School of Management.
  • Are you professionally involved in a current, practice-relevant topic and would like to share it with our students?
    In the form of guest lectures and workshops, you have the opportunity to share your knowledge, experience and ideas - and in the process draw attention to your company (to recruit skilled workers).
  • Are you a representative of an international university and would like to expand the exchange programme with students?
    By cooperating as a partner university, you give the students from your university and the Dresden School of Management the opportunity to get to know the intercultural, social, linguistic specifics of both university locations in the form of a semester abroad.
  • Ever thought about a dual partnership?
    As a partner for our dual students, you will accompany one or more students during the practical phases over the entire study period.
  • Are you actively looking for highly qualified specialists and managers?
    In addition to a dual practice partnership, there are opportunities to present your company via our annual career fair, the part-time job exchange, via job postings on campus or the workshop formats of our Career Services.

Annett Reichardt is your contact person for cooperations with the Dresden Schoolof Management. Please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to discussing the concrete details of a cooperation with you.

Please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to discussing the specific details of a collaboration with you.

Our dual study programmes.

You can choose between three dual study programmes with us. It depends on whether you have more of a social streak, want to organise cool events or perhaps dream of opening or managing a hotel yourself one day? You decide.

Duale Studentin Hotelmanagement in Dresden bei der Arbeit an der Rezeption
Internationales Hotelmanagement B.A. - dual
Dual Studierender Tourismus- und Eventmanagement in Dresden koordiniert Event
Internationales Tourismus- und Eventmanagement B.A. - dual
Dual Studierende Soziale Arbeit in Dresden während einer Projektarbeit
Soziale Arbeit B.A. - dual