SRH Campus Dresden

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  • Useful tools in your information search

    from libraries and publishers worldwide. Freely available scientific documents In science, there are now more and more scientific documents freely available on the Internet. For your research we can recommend [...] research scientific documents accurately and fast. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) BASE is a search engine of the Bielefeld University Library for freely accessible scientific documents whose metadata [...] collected literature and systematically assign quotes. By the way, multiple people can work on a document at the same time. It is as simple as: Citavi Free installation Request SRH licence key Enter license

  • Student service

    original documents listed above, you do not need to submit them again. Please submit all missing documents to our . Further information on submitting original documents can be found [...] ment> or via e-mail . Documents for your enrolment For your successful enrolment and so that you can receive your student ID and semester ticket, we need the following documents from you: Original or certified [...] original study contract incl. signature and all relevant pages If applicable, missing application documents (if applicable according to the study contract and/or supplementary agreement) Visa/residence permit

  • Our recommendations for suitable sources

    journals here. Academic documents If you would like to know which scientific documents the members or the individual institutes of our university have published. Use the document server of the SRH universities [...] authors. By the way: As a member you can also set your own scientific documents . We will check your details and unlock the document. Online catalogue of SRH libraries You can also research the media of

  • Visa and Residence Permit

    the semester. Which documents are required for my visa? In order to be able to apply for a student visa, you need an acceptance letter from a German university . The other documents that are required to [...] Germany) to SRH at the beginning of their studies in order to be fully enrolled and to receive further documents, services and lectures. This regulation does not apply to citizens who do not need to apply for [...] valid passport, a current photo, proof of financial support as well as some additional application documents. Almost all students who are applying for a visa must provide proof of their financial means in

  • Contact Are you looking for an internship or would you like us to check your application documents? Our Career Service will be happy to support you. Course Coordination Do you